This week’s bespoke bag is a particularly gorgeous shiny mahogany beech workbag with carry handle and detachable strap.  Before it left for its new life we whizzed it round to our friend’s house for a quick photo amongst the rubble of his demolished kitchen…and there we found Mike Wilson who was minding his own business up a ladder sorting out the electrics.   Mike has managed to evade our camera so far despite being spotted everywhere (we’re sure he’s cloned himself and his van with the slogan ‘Don’t get electrocuted, get Wilson’ on the side) but this time there was no escape. So, thanks for modelling Mike – not what you expected when you left for work this morning but as we always say, you never quite know what’s going to happen round here! And in other news, as a break from the bags Hilary’s been making lots of different keyrings – perfect for father’s day!
9 June 2017