Hilary and Kazzam
1st February 2022
Autumn came and went in a whirl of flaming colours and cosy fires. Hilary made shelves of bags ready for the Christmas craft fairs and in between stints in the workshop spent lots of time outside schooling the horses.

Long walks on the beach
The sea was seen and we battled the wind as the leaves came down – all in all a lovely prelude to the end of yet another strange pandemic year.

But then in the blink of an eye everything changed; Hilary was whizzed to hospital.
She was seen very quickly and was in surgery as soon as possible. Time stopped for the rest of us and we held our breaths, waiting for a ping on our phones and the latest update from Hilary’s family.
And then the most wonderful, luckiest news ever – she was home and ok. The swift treatment had had the best possible outcome and our relief and gratitude to those who had helped her was overwhelming. And so, come the new year, we were back in business – we reopened the workshop and we were so fortunate to be able to say that life was carrying on. In any other time we would have said it was back to normal but we’re not exactly sure what that means anymore. We just know that we’re making the most of it – we absolutely can be bothered to go for a walk in the rain – and make that phonecall to an old friend – and go for a wild swim even though it’s freezing.

Leather jacket bag
And in between all of that Hilary is making bags! This one was made for a lovely lady who brought in her father’s old leather jacket to be made into a new bag. Hilary used the jacket pockets as a feature on the tote and now she can carry a happy memory around with her every day.
We know it’s a cliché but life really is very short – so you know what you’ve got to do!!

And we’re ecstatic to be back!