It’s June. JUNE!! How on earth did that happen? Last time we looked it was just before Christmas and we were rushing around posting off orders.
(Actually, we’re still rushing around posting orders – this rather lovely new Heritage Essential Bag is flying out of the workshop in a multitude of different colour-ways.
We’ve not uploaded it as a product yet so please ring us if you’d like more details 01769 581302).
So, what’s been happening in our little corner of the world so far this year? The answer is lots and lots.
Our online radio silence has been due mainly to the changes we’ve been making behind the scenes to the website. Migrating it to another platform and revisiting the SEO stuff (yep, we know that sounds like an acronym you’d hear on Line of Duty). So that’s why the site looks a little different – it will be way more responsive and easier to use though (and any emails you send us should now get through – wooh!) Huge thanks go to the brilliant Claire at Rubyfruit Web Design for putting up with our snail-like pace over the last few months and for answering our endless questions.
And while we were messing around with the website spring happened. Stunning!
What else….well, Hilary had a hip-op and after a week or so’s enforced rest she was back up and running (pretty much literally, being Hilary). Soon to be seen in a leafy lane near you perched on top of Arnie who’s been beginning to wonder what a saddle is for. First though a couple of sessions on a mechanical horse simulator to get back into the swing of things – genius!
Lambing happened as usual. And as usual the sheep decided not to stay in their lovely warm straw-lined shed and made a bid for freedom (they’d obviously clocked the smoke coming out of the chimney and fancied a snooze in front of the log burner). They got as far as knocking on Susan’s front door which makes a change from just teleporting out of a completely secure field and running up and down the lane.
There have been leathersmith workshops – lots of workshops! Sewing, chatting, eating cake and drinking endless cups of tea (made by someone else – bliss) are four of the most lovely things you can do on a wet Saturday afternoon (and we hope Steve and Eleanor agree after making these wonderful bags at recent workshops).
There’s been some beach action too – a bit chilly and sometimes rainy but ideal for introducing a friend’s new puppy to the seaside. There was even some swimming in the early spring WITHOUT WETSUITS! (Luckily no photographic evidence remains although we are happy to report that all those involved lost the grey palour and slightly alarming wrinkles after some hot chips and a coffee – most of which did actually make it to the lips despite the uncontrollable shivering).
We played some golf on Julie’s hen-do (we were practically professionals as it turns out).
This was followed by her magical wedding.
We drank a lot of tea and stuffed ourselves with Nish’s spectacular baked goods. Check out this amazing cheesecake – it didn’t last long unsurprisingly.
What else…
Well, then the most amazing thing happened – Hilary got a new unicorn! Isn’t he gorgeous – his name is Kazzam and he’s come to live with Hilary and Nish from World Horse Welfare. Arnie and Jerry are fascinated by him – possibly wondering how on earth he stays so white – and soon they’ll all be sharing a field filled with delicious, untouched new grass.
What an absolutely lovely way to spend the summer.